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What Are the Best Sealers for Concrete Sealing?

Writer's picture: Mark SimonMark Simon

Concrete sealing is the process where the newly installed or old concrete is sealed with a protecting liquid so that the concrete becomes sturdier and withstands the wear and tear of time. Most of the concrete owners are advised by their concrete installers to apply concrete sealers in order to protect the surface from corrosion and damage. The concrete has many pores which accumulate water and salts and eventually get decimated. If the owner applies a topcoat of any concrete sealer, he is making sure that his concrete will last long as the sealer will clog the pores thereby preventing any air or dust from collecting therein.

We will here under discuss about the different types of concrete sealers and how should they be applied to prevent the concrete from damaging. We will also shed light on a few questions that the users commonly ask about the concrete sealers.

The Most Commonly Asked Questions About Concrete Sealing

Users always have a hard time trying to figure out which surfaces need to maximum protection. The concrete sealing experts have divulged that they are frequently asked by the users whether their respective concrete surfaces need protection. The experts believe that all the surfaces need to be sealed with concrete sealers because it ensures protection from stain, abrasion, corrosion and harmful chemicals. The users also mope about the damage of the concrete sooner than expected. In that case, one needs to remember that concrete as a material absorbs moisture faster and when the concrete is there in a freeze-thaw climate, the liquid can get frozen and expanded thereby making the internal damage well visible in the surface. People also shirk away from applying a concrete sealant fearing that it will cost high. But they barely realize that not sealing the concrete will eventually make it damage way faster and it will be prone to discoloration also.

However, in case the above information has awakened you and you are really gearing up to seal concrete, then you must know about the varied kinds of concrete sealers available in the market. We will here discuss about them.

The concrete sealers vary in terms of wax and in seed oil. The high quality concrete will resist more surface moisture than the cheaper options, so it is always wise to go for the pricier ones.

The Different Types of Concrete Sealers Available in The Market:

Topical sealers:  Topical sealers are highly thought of among the concrete installing contractors because its visual appeal is way higher than its other counterparts. The main feature of Topical sealers is that these come with skid-resistant feature.

Penetrating sealers: This kind of sealers requires damping of the surface before application. This move will ensure that the concrete sealer is effectively penetrated into the concrete. This kind of sealer also fights against the chemical reactions that greatly damage the concrete.

Acrylic resins: This kind of concrete sealer is available in two different categories such as water-based and solvent-based. Acrylic resins are widely chosen because these are resistant to harmful effects of the sun. Acrylic resins are applied in simpler method than ever to make it the most convenient option for the users.

Silane: It is a small molecular compound which has penetrating properties. This is strongly resistant to water which makes sure that the hard surface stays for long. The Silane is widely used for low viscosity. Mostly, silane is used atop dense concrete to save it from the wear and tear of time.

Concrete sealing is an age-old practice of creating a protective shield over the installed concrete. The aforementioned protective concrete sealers are the greatest options to seal your concrete.

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