As a patient, it is important to establish a level of comfort with your doctors and specialists for a trustworthy and free discussion of your health issues. Whether it is a gynecologist, ophthalmologist, or dentist, finding a specialist with whom you can connect is important both for the patient and the doctor. A large determinant of this is how comfortable you feel at their clinic or in their observation chair. That, in turn, hinges on the environment, cleanliness, and sanitization practices they follow.
Make sure to observe the following practices at your denture clinic to rule out any doubts and ease into a comfortable association with your denture clinic.

How absolute are the sterilization procedures at your denture clinic?
The Dental Board of Australia charts out certain norms and standards for sterilization and equipment cleaning based on the kind of exposure each tool has to the patient. Instruments that contact the bloodstream need comprehensive sterilization and hence should be sorted accordingly.
This sorting is essentially the job of the assistant dentists at your denture clinic. Ultrasonic cleaners, sterile bags, trays, and forceps should be part of the work. They should be kept in the order of their use. Observe how the tools are sectionalized during and after your procedure to see the thoroughness of their cleanliness. If you see them dump all used tools in one tub, chances say they don’t really bother much with sectionalized cleaning.
What cleaning agents and disinfectants are used to clean high-touch areas?
Registered disinfectants that are prescribed by the presiding government body must be used to wipe down areas of patient exposure such as surgical lights, patient chairs, doorknobs, sinks etc. Observe whether your dentist or his assistants at the denture clinic touch cabinets, drawer handles, faucets, and sinks with his gloved hands or bare hands. Handling equipment and patient exposure areas with bare hands is an absolute no-no. Even with gloves on, make sure that your doctor changes them after each treatment to prevent the transfer of any infection from one patient to the other.
What are the cleanliness levels of the washroom?
Whether your denture clinic is an independent one or part of a hospital franchise, how clean the washrooms are speaks a lot for the general cleanliness levels of the medical facility. You do not want to be undergoing sensitive procedures in a place where the washrooms are untidy, damp, or stuffy.
Do you spot dust around the clinic or a messy reception area?
The reception area is the first place where all patients head to. It is like the first impression of the clinic hence, maintaining its cleanliness is inevitable. Dusty shelves, tables, or messy, damp floor spaces are a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses, especially in a health facility that has tremendous exposure to infections and body fluids. CaviWipes is a great product to use around sensitive areas to clear out dust accumulation.
Check whether the authorities keep the entire area within the denture clinic clean.
Cleanliness plays an essential role in reducing the risk of any infection and allows for a safe and comfortable environment for all. Apart from maintaining an infection-free surrounding, observe whether the facility managers discourage outside footwear within the clinic premises as they can bring with them moisture, dust, and unwanted debris. Simple practices like these go a long way in ensuring your sanitization and comfort.
Many health centers and denture clinics house exceptional doctors, denturists, and dentists as consultants or in-house experts. However, poorly maintained facilities are repulsive, leaving many patients with no choice but to let go of their preferred doctor to avoid being treated in messy areas. Make sure you get the best of both worlds at the denture clinic that you visit with our comprehensive checklist for your safety and satisfaction. After all, only in a clean environment, a sound physical and mental health possible.