We all want luminous skin and a chiselled jawline that will make us the focus of attention wherever we go, whether it's a party or some other setting. We will definitely not possess the same genes as the other person with a sharp jawline, but there are ways to tighten and strengthen your skin by using mono threads. We will discuss this today; keep reading to gather more information.
What Is A Mono Thread?
Mono threads are a non-surgical treatment that uses short floating monofilament threads to revitalize, tighten, and strengthen the skin. The threads consist of Polydioxanone (PDO), an absorbable, biodegradable polymer easily inserted under the skin and often in a mesh-like pattern.
How does it work?
Mono threads boost the collagen by activating the synthesis of those proteins. Your body will produce collagen for promoting healing just after a dermatologist inserts the mono threads into your skin layers.

During the process, a dermatologist will basically create a pattern that looks like mesh by cross-hatching all of the mono threads. They then attach it to an "anchoring point." It depends on the area of your skin, and they then will use 10 to 30 mono threads. For example, a dermatologist may only use only ten mono threads under each eye or like 30 mono threads on each side of your face, maybe less or more depending on the skin.
And suppose you wish to tighten the skin underneath your chin. In that case, a dermatologist may use a process named lipolysis, which will break down all excess fat tissues just by inserting the mono threads just a bit deeper into your skin than standard layers.
Mono threads also differ from the threads that dermatologists use while thread-lifting procedures, as mono threads, do not have any barbs.
Threads with small cones or barbs are used in the thread lifting procedure performed by dermatologists. This procedure reverses the appearance of skin laxity simply by pulling out the skin on the upward face. On the other hand, mono threads are very smooth.
Because mono threads do not use barbs, the dermatologist may use the combination cog threads (which will have barbs) to lift the skin further up.
On Which Parts Can A Mono Thread Be Used?
Mono thread can be used in the below mentioned parts
Neckline and jawline
Forehead and brows
Under eyes
Nasolabial folds
Above knees
Stomach area
How Long Does Mono Threading Last?
The PDO threads which are designed for dissolving over time. As the new collagen forms, patients can quickly anticipate seeing the results in as little as six weeks after treatment has been administered. The results will continue to develop over the next few months and last from about 12 to 18 months.
Aftercare For Mono Threads
The aftercare for mono threads is very minimal compared to a surgical lifting of the face or face-lift.
If you receive any mono threads, keep your facial expressions significantly less and do not be very animated. So, you probably do not want to watch a movie or television show that will make you laugh very hard or cry. Always keep your facial movements minimal during the healing process. This way you can give your skin some time to produce collagen and also tighten the treated areas effectively.
When Will I Notice The Results?
Your skin will need time to produce the collagen, as discussed above, and it may take as many as 6 to 12 weeks to notice results.
What Are The Things To Avoid?
There are a few precautions to be taken; they are mentioned below
Avoid any tanning from the sun and any tanning beds.
Moisturize your skin properly on a daily basis.
Always make sure that you do not have any allergies to the ingredients which are listed in your skincare products.
Do not use any skincare products that will irritate your skin, and it is recommended not to use many skincare products.
Allow a minimum period of six weeks for the new skincare products to work.
As we discussed in the above topic, the uses of mono thread places like where it can be used, the parts it can be used and when you will notice results and many more. We assure you the treatment can give you shocking results. Thank you for reading.